Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Crowns

If your tooth is damaged due to any reason, you probably need to repair it. There are several ways to repair a tooth, and most of them are usually costly. Therefore, you should be familiar with the types of dental restorations to choose the most appropriate type of treatment based on your financial ability and circumstances. Tooth crowns and dental veneers are the most common restorative methods in the field of cosmetic dentistry. In this article, an Oakville cosmetic dentist will explain dental crowns and their pros and cons.
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are usually made of ceramic and are very similar to dental veneer. Since both these cosmetic methods are made in laboratories and require a special adhesive to attach to the tooth. However, dental veneers are slightly different and are made by the cosmetic dentist on the teeth. A dental crown is a method chosen for covering a damaged tooth. This damage can be due to root canal therapy or a large tooth filling. Sometimes, a dental crown can also improve dental cosmetic appearance like carpeting tooth discoloration, covering dental implants, shielding a weak tooth, etc.
The thickness of this cosmetic treatment is about two to three mm. A dental crown normally covers all teeth. The main purpose of this cosmetic treatment is to strengthen the teeth that are broken or decayed.
Most crowns are made of ceramic and can look similar to natural human teeth. Dental crowns are usually applied in a more difficult and complex way than the dental veneer’s applying method. Although both cosmetic methods are used to repair the tooth, dental veneers usually cover only the teeth’ front part. This is while the dental crown covers the entire tooth.
When Is a Dental Crown Used to Repair a Tooth?
If the teeth damage is severe, the most likely cosmetic method will be a tooth crown. Besides, if there is not enough tooth structure to support the dental veneer, you will definitely need a dental crown to improve your teeth appearance.
What Are the Benefits of a Dental Crown?
Dental crowns have been a suitable cosmetic method since many years ago. Porcelain dental crowns are resistant to various erosive agents. Although dental crowns may break just like natural teeth, this is very rare. Since the cosmetic dentist only installs the dental crown and does the main work in the dental laboratory, he does not need cosmetic expertise to install it.
What Are the Cons Related to a Dental Crown?
Tooth restoration with the help of dental crowns is a difficult process. Since for installing and applying a dental crown, the cosmetic dentist must cut the tooth tissue forever. So by installing a dental crown, you will lose your natural teeth.
The laboratory work may break down and not go according to what the cosmetic dentist ordered. If, under any circumstances, the dental crowns are destroyed, they must be displaced entirely.
Another disadvantage of a dental crown is that you will feel some pain, and your teeth will be sensitive to cold and hot foods. This sensitivity and pain will go away after some days.
If a professional cosmetic dentist does not perform the dental crown, food pigments and bacteria can accumulate under it and lead to tooth damage.